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  • School Locator

    Moving or looking for new homes and wondering which school your child will attend? Click here.

  • School Ranking

    Schools are often one of the most important criteria for choosing the perfect home. We’ve included a few resources to help you see how different schools are ranking.

  • Fraser Institute

    The Fraser Institute’s school rankings website provides a detailed report on how each school is doing in academics compared to other ranked schools. It also shows whether the school’s results are improving, declining, or just staying steady over the most recent five years. Click here to access the rankings.

  • EQAO Results

    EQAO assesses how well Ontario’s public education system is developing students’ reading, writing and math skills. EQAO provides reliable and useful information that is used to help improve student achievement and ensure the accountability of school boards. Click here to access the EQAO website.

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